  • Johann Joachim Quantz's 1752 Versuch einer "Anweisung die Flöte traversiere zu spielen" (On how to play the flute), is essential reading for those wind players who want to know more about the performance practice of late baroque/early classical music. In the 13th chapter, Quantz attempts to teach the novice improviser ways to 'vary' a given melody by writing down numerous variations to common melodic progressions. The implication being that if one were to work through all of these examples, internalize them, and transpose them for use in other keys, that the reader would develop the taste and understanding to be able to construct their own variations. The examples of Quantz's chapter 13 have been transcribed for bassoon and transpositions into the closely-related keys of C major have been added in the hopes that this may be of regular use to bassoonists exploring the music of the classical era. Attention has been paid to make sure that these examples are executable both on early and modern bassoons. * In the free version of this document, only the first of sixteen figures is included *
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  • Bassoon Reed, Christlieb Model

    Suggested price: CHF27.00
    The Christlieb Reed, by Andrew Burn. The Christlieb reed is based on the reeds produced by bassoonist Don Christlieb. With the signature shape, the reed responds excellently in all registers and projects a round, dark sound. Buy up to 8 reeds and get the shipping reduced!
  • Bassoon Reed, Herzberg Model

    Suggested price: CHF27.00
    The Herzberg Reed, by Andrew Burn. The Herzberg model was developed using cane machined from the equipment produced by Norman Herzberg. With the unique shape and profile, as well as using Herzberg's forming methodology, the reed has an excellent response, is flexible in its tonal qualities, and is overall very easy to play. Herzberg reeds are an excellent tool to have in the reed box of any orchestral player. Buy up to 8 reeds and get the shipping reduced!
  • The Herzberg Reed, by Andrew Burn. The Herzberg model was developed using cane machined from the equipment produced by Norman Herzberg. With the unique shape and profile, as well as using Herzberg's forming methodology, the reed has an excellent response, is flexible in its tonal qualities, and is overall very easy to play. Herzberg reeds are an excellent tool to have in the reed box of any orchestral player. Buy up to 8 reeds and get the shipping reduced!
  • Das ideale Fagottrohr, um den Anforderungen des modernen Profispielers gerecht zu werden.   Bei einem Kauf von nur 3-6 Fagottrohren erhalten Sie einen Rabatt auf den Versand!
  • Ensemble Musica Fiorita Release Date: October 19, 2018 Number of Discs: 2 Label: Pan Classics
  • Ensemble Musica Fiorita Release Date: October 28, 2016 Number of Discs: 2 Label: Pan Classics
  • Ensemble Musica Fiorita Release Date: April 5, 2019 Label: Pan Classics
  • Das ideale Fagottrohr, um den Anforderungen des modernen Profispielers gerecht zu werden.   Bei einem Kauf von nur 3-6 Fagottrohren erhalten Sie einen Rabatt auf den Versand!
  • Das ideale Fagottrohr, um den Anforderungen des modernen Profispielers gerecht zu werden.   Bei einem Kauf von nur 3-6 Fagottrohren erhalten Sie einen Rabatt auf den Versand!
  • Das ideale Fagottrohr, um den Anforderungen des modernen Profispielers gerecht zu werden.   Bei einem Kauf von nur 3-6 Fagottrohre erhalten Sie einen Rabatt auf den Versand!
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    Fagott Reed, Räumung

    Das klassische amerikanische Standarddesign. Das Design folgt den Prinzipien des Tip-Taper-Rohres, wie beschrieben in „Das Fagottrohr-Handbuch“: Lou Skinners Techniken von James R. McKay, et al.   Kaufen Sie nur 2-8 Schilf und erhalten Sie den Versand reduziert!
  • Für den europäischen 1. Fagottisten. Das Design folgt den „straight-taper“-Prinzipien (d.h. gerade abgeschrägte Aussenhobelung) wie beschrieben in „Das Fagottrohr-Handbuch“: Lou Skinners Techniken von James R. McKay, et al.   Vergessen Sie nicht! Bei einem Kauf von nur 3-6 dieser Fagottrohre sparen Sie 50% Versandkosten!
  • Fagottrohr, Professionell

    Suggested price: CHF25.00
    Das klassische amerikanische Standarddesign. Das Design folgt den Prinzipien des Tip-Taper-Rohres, wie beschrieben in „Das Fagottrohr-Handbuch“: Lou Skinners Techniken von James R. McKay, et al.   Kaufen Sie nur 2-8 Schilf und erhalten Sie den Versand reduziert!
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    Nachbau des von Alberto Grazzi verwendeten Rohrholzes.
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